
Kristina ShumilinaCREATE NEW LAYER
In this era of information noise and overload, the challenge of drawing attention and shaping perceptions has never been more daunting. To navigate this landscape, I explore multilayering as a design approach. I believe that it is a promising route forward—toward impactful design strategies, profound connections, and lasting impressions.

With regard to my design methodology, I create complex structures and interconnections of multiple layers, meanings, perspectives, and narratives. Each design element, including aesthetic elements and abstractions, carries intended and assigned meaning. I delve into verbal components, such as connotations, semiotics, and linguistic nuances, as much as into visual ones, such as color theory, typography, and hierarchy. Using multiple mediums, “breaking” standard mediums, combining craft and digital approaches, and curating the multisensory experience, I enhance the immersion of the recipient in the design piece. The important part of my approach is collaborating with AI: while debates continue that artificial intelligence will replace the jobs of artists, designers, and other professionals, I’m exploring ways to collaborate with AI, convinced that such a partnership has the potential to push our creativity to new levels.

My research is interdisciplinary and lies at the intersection of design, storytelling, and commercial space. The foundation is understanding human perception, particularly in response to visual and verbal stimuli, and navigating the recipient’s attention through different layers of design depth. As a result, I convey the conceptual research and create the body of design work based on research insights and methodology principles, introducing both research and the body of work within the thesis book. The research contributes to such areas as graphic design, branding, advertising, marketing, and communications.

What is Real? // Color in Space, 2023.
Double-sided risograph prints, 11 × 17 in.
Infinite Alive, 2023.
Split book and augmented reality, 7 × 7 in.
INBOUND Event Identity, 2023.
Digital, asset mockups.
50 Questions, 2023.
Acrylic, 5 × 5 in.
The Emotion Machine: AI Perspective, 2023.
Newsprint paper, 5¼ × 3½ in.