
Yolanda He Yang

By fusing photography, body movement, performance, video, and sculpture, my installations delve into the hidden layers of emotion embedded within aspects of the optical experience. I seek to offer poetic presentations that invite the viewer to experience space as it exists beyond its surface appearance and to suggest the total rupture of boundaries imposed between inside and outside, space and time. Through subtle adjustments and slight re-orientations of objects, my installations challenge conventional notions of meaning while advocating for the power, resilience, and possibility inherent within fugitivity and delicacy. My work invites viewers to explore the intimate immensity of these concepts while engaging with the politics of space and body, prompting reflections on these themes’ societal and personal implications.

Yolanda He Yang is a Boston-based artist whose practice encompasses both personal studio work and public art. Born in a Catholic family in North China, Yolanda relocated to various places she remembered as homes, schools, and playgrounds when she was a child.

the first phrase of touching (detail), 2024.
Installation, shards, and LED spotlights,
dimensions variable.
of woman herself (still), 2023.
the first phrase of touching (detail), 2024.
Installation, shards, and LED spotlights,
dimensions variable.

Untitled, 2023.
Shards inserted in wall,
dimensions variable.